Gateworld Fleets

Crysalix Powercrystals are highly advanced "powersources"

Power Crystals get their power like Crysallus Cores.

Well Of Eternal Power[]

The Well Of Eternal Power is the name for a dimension wich houses the collective power of the crysalix and the asadon.

Utilizing the idea that within our universe, multiple other universes exists, the crysalix created an artificial dimension similar to one used by a ZPM. This dimension was self sustaining, and self expanding/shrinking. once this was done, they tore holes in the fabric of the universe between the Well and the Miniverses. Everything within these universes would be destroyed, turned to energy, and be transported to the Well. there, it would be turned to matter and antimatter, in perfect balance, constantly destroying and recreating itself. the more energy, the bigger the Well was, although its size doesnt influence the regular Universe. then, Power Crystals and Crysallus Cores. can drain power from it in MAM-components: Matter-AntiMatter reaction components, the amount of energy created from one Matter-AntiMatter reaction. A Powercrystal can store this energy and then use it to power devices. the maximum power drained is limited by the Physical size of the crystal.

Types of Power Crystals[]

the Main difference between Power Crystals and Crysallus cores is, that a Core creates a field capable of sustaining crysalix over a large distance, and is usually Possesed by a Crysalix. Crysalix use Crysallus cores, the Asadon use Power Crystals

Small Power Crystal[]

small power crystals power small equipment like staff weapons, hand devices and personal shields. its physical size can siphon enough power from the Well to power a Tel'tak.

Medium Power Crystals[]

medium power crystals power single buildings, and medium sized structures. they Siphon sufficient power to run atlantis fully indefinately

Large Power Crystal[]

Used to power Larger Objects and Towns. can easily run 1/10 of asuras

Gargantuan Power Crystal[]

very large Crystal. powers Cities, metropolises, and large structures. easily powers and fully runs asuras or earth.
